
Kalit so‘zlar:

quantum computing, quantum law, legal implications, intellectual property, privacy


As quantum computing advances rapidly, its potential impact on the legal system raises important questions at the intersection of law and technology. This article explores the emerging field of quantum law, examining how quantum computing may reshape legal theory and practice. Through an interdisciplinary approach drawing from legal scholarship, quantum physics, and computer science, we identify key areas where quantum computing intersects with the law, including intellectual property, privacy, liability, evidence, and legal reasoning. We propose a framework for understanding and addressing these issues, highlighting the need for proactive legal adaptation in the face of transformative technological change. Our analysis reveals that while quantum computing presents significant challenges for the law, it also offers opportunities for innovation and the development of new legal paradigms. We conclude by outlining future research directions and recommendations for policymakers, legal practitioners, and scholars to navigate the complexities of quantum law effectively.

Muallif tarjimai holi

Islombek Abdikhakimov, Tashkent State University of Law

Lecturer of Cyber Law Department

Foydalanilgan adabiyotlar

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