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Trademark Infringement, Digital Age, E-commerce, Brand Protection, Intellectual Property, CounterfeitingAnnotasiya
The digital age has transformed the landscape of trademark infringement, presenting new challenges and complexities for businesses and consumers alike. Through a comprehensive literature review, this article explores the growing challenge of trademark infringement in the digital age, examining the various manifestations of the issue, the legal and practical implications, and the strategies employed by businesses, policymakers, and legal authorities to address this evolving problem. The study identifies key trends and themes, including the damage to brand reputation and consumer trust, the significant financial losses, and the burden on consumers and public safety. The article also explores the technological solutions, legal frameworks, and collaborative efforts being utilized to combat digital trademark infringement, emphasizing the need for a multifaceted and collaborative approach to create a more secure and authentic digital environment for businesses and consumers.
Foydalanilgan adabiyotlar
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